Page maintained by
Reine Gill
ISDAT - Interactive Science Data Analysis Tool
Summary of features
Recent progress in computer, mass storage, and network technology has
facilitated a dramatic improvement and flexibility in the software tools used
for scientific data analysis. ISDAT is a software tool, utilising such modern
techniques, under development at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Division, in collaboration with several other laboratories within the field of experimental
space physics.
The ISDAT development started in 1989 by formulating a set of general requirements from a science user's
viewpoint. These requirements led to a set of assumptions about the near future computer and
software development, a set of standards and an ISDAT development model.
At the current stage, the ISDAT software tool is characterized by:
- An
interactive data analysis environment
- A client /
- Great flexibility in the
distribution of processing power and data bases
- Project and instrument specific input formats
- A very general internal
data structure
- Possibilities to combine data from several projects
and instruments
- A possibility for the user to add personal analysis and
display software modules in
or IDL
- Interfaces to commercial software packages like IDL and
- Output in CDF, Postscript, or ASCII formats
Possibilities to run it on a number of UNIX platforms as well as Open/VMS
The ISDAT is currently in use at a number of Research
laboratories for analysis of data from the projects Viking, Freja and
It will be used for the detailed analysis of the wave consortium (WEC)
of the Cluster project. The ISDAT will also constitute one component of the ESA
provided Cluster Science data System. As such it will be
used to
retrieve, manipulate, and display data residing in the Cluster associated
National Data centres.
The ISDAT distribution and use is subject to certain rules
and limitations. As soon as you have read and agreed on these rules, you
are welcome to fetch the documentation of the ISDAT, as well
as the isdat code via
There are also project and instrument specific
pages with access restricted to the instrument teams.
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ISDAT summary /IRF-U/ gh@irfu.se