IRF Uppsala
Space Plasma Physics
Anders Eriksson
Peer-reviewed papers
Papers in refereed journals and books, in reverse chronological order.
- 208
G. Jones, C. Snoddgrass, C. Tubiana, M. Küppers et al..
The Comet Interceptor Mission..
Space Science Reviews, 220, 9, 2024.
doi:10.1007/s11214-023-01035-0 (
open access)
- 207
N.J.T. Edberg, A.I. Eriksson, E. Vigren, H. Nilsson, H. Gunell, C. Götz, I. Richter, P. Henri, J. De Keyser.
Scale size of cometary bow shocks.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 682, A51, 2024.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346566 (open access)
- 206
E. Vigren, A.I. Eriksson, N.J.T. Edberg, C. Snodgrass.
A Potential Aid in the Target Selection for the Comet Interceptor Mission.
Planetary and Space Science, 237, 105765, 2023.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2023.105765 (open access)
- 205
D. J. Andrews, K. Stergiopoulou, L. Andersson, A. I. Eriksson, R. E. Ergun, M. Pilinski.
Electron Densities and Temperatures in the Martian Ionosphere: MAVEN LPW Observations of Control by Crustal Fields.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 128, e2022JA031027, 2023.
doi:10.1029/2022JA031027 (open access)
- 204
A. Beth, M. Galand, C. Simon Wedlund, A. I. Eriksson.
Cometary ionospheres: an updated tutorial.
In Comets III, eds. K. J. Meech and M. Combi, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2023.
arXiv:2211.03868 [astro-ph.EP]
- 203
C. Goetz, H. Gunell, M. Volwerk, A. Beth, A. Eriksson, M. Galand, P. Henri, H. Nilsson,
C. Simon Wedlund, M. Alho, L. Andersson, N. Andre, J. De Keyser, J. Deca, Y. Ge,
K.-H. Glassmeier, R Hajra, T. Karlsson, S. Kasahara, I. Kolmasova, K. LLera,
H. Madanian, I. Mann, C. Mazelle, E. Odelstad, F. Plaschke, M. Rubin,
B. Sanchez-Cano, C. Snodgrass, E. Vigren.
Cometary plasma science.
Experimental Astronomy, 54, 2-3, 1129-1167, 2022.
- 202
C. Goetz, E. Behar, A. Beth, D. Bodewits, S. Bromley, J. Burch, J. Deca, A. Divin, A. I. Eriksson, P. D. Feldman,
M. Galand, H. Gunell, P. Henri, K. Heritier, G. H. Jones, K. E. Mandt, H. Nilsson, J. W. Noonan, E. Odelstad,
J. W. Parker, M. Rubin, C. Simon Wedlund, P. Stephenson, M. G. G. T. Taylor, E. Vigren, S. K. Vines, M. Volwerk.
The Plasma Environment of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Space Science Reviews, 218, 65, 2022.
doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00931-1 (open access)
- 201
E. Odelstad, T. Karlsson, A. I. Eriksson, S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser.
Ion-ion cross-field instability of lower hybrid waves in the inner coma of comet 67P.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 127, e2022JA030535, 2022.
- 200
F. L. Johansson, E. Vigren, J.H. Waite, K. Miller, A. I. Eriksson, N.J.T. Edberg, J. Dreyer.
Implications from secondary emission from neutral impact on Cassini plasma and dust measurements.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 2340-2350, 2022.
doi:10.1093/mnras/stac1856 (open access)
- 199
N. J. T. Edberg, F. L. Johansson, A. I. Eriksson, E. Vigren, P. Henri, J. De Keyser.
Radial distribution of plasma at comet 67P. Implications for cometary flyby missions.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 663, A42, 2022.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243776 (open access)
- 198
R. Goldstein, J. Burch, K. Llera, K. Altwegg, M. Rubin, A. Eriksson, H. Nilsson.
Observations of modulation of ion flux in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098042, 2022.
Article share
- 197
E. Vigren, A. I. Eriksson, S. Bergman.
On Positively Charged Dust in the Coma of Comet 67P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513, 536-540, 2022.
- 196
E. Vigren, J. Dreyer, A. I. Eriksson, F. L. Johansson, M. Morooka, J.-E. Wahlund.
Empirical photochemical modelling of Saturn's ionization balance including grain charging.
The Planetary Science Journal, 3, 49, 2022.
doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac4eee (open access)
- 195
M. Maksimovic and 109 co-authors.
First observations and performance of the RPW instrument on board the Solar Orbiter
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 656, A41, 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141271 (open access)
- 194
E. Vigren, A. I. Eriksson, F. L. Johansson, R. Marschall, M. Morooka, M. Rubin.
A case for a small to neglegible influence of dust charging on the ionization balance in the coma of comet 67P.
The Planetary Science Journal, 2, 156, 2021.
doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac134f (open access)
- 193
S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, H. Nilsson, E. Vigren, A. Beth, K. Masunaga,
A. Eriksson.
Flow directions of low-energy ions in and around the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507, 4900-4913, 2021.
doi:10.1093/mnras/stab2470 (open access)
- 192
M. André, A. I. Eriksson, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, S. Toledo-Redondo.
The spacecraft wake as a tool to detect cold ions: Turning a problem into a feature.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 126 , e29493, 2021.
Preprint: (open access)
- 191
K. Li, M. André, A. Eriksson, Y. Wei, J. Cui, S. Haaland.
High-latitude cold ion outflow inferred from the Cluster wake observations in the magnetotail lobes and the polar cap region.
Frontiers in Physics, 9, 620, 2021.
doi:10.3389/fphy.2021.743316 (open access)
- 190
F. L. Johansson, A. I. Eriksson, E. Vigren, L. Bucciantini, P. Henri, H. Nilsson, S. Bergman, N. Edberg, G. Stenberg Wieser, E. Odelstad.
Plasma densities, flow and, solar EUV flux at comet 67P. A cross-calibration approach.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 653, A128, 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039959 (free access)
- 189
Yu. V. Khotyaintsev and D. B. Graham and A. Vaivads and K. Steinvall, N. J. T. Edberg, A.I. Eriksson, E.P.G. Johansson, L. Sorriso-Valvo, M. Maksimovic, S. D. Bale, T. Chust, V. Krasnoselskikh, M. Kretzschmar, E. Lorfèvre, D. Plettemeier, J. Soucek, M. Steller, S. Stveràk, P. Travnicek, A. Vecchio, T.S. Horbury, H. O'Brien, V. Evans, V. Angelini.
Density Fluctuations Associated with Turbulence and Waves: First Observations by Solar Orbiter.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 656, A19, 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140936 (free access)
- 188
D.B. Graham, Yu.V. Khotyaintsev, A. Vaivads, N. J. T. Edberg, A.I. Eriksson , E.P.G. Johansson, L. Sorriso-Valvo, M. Maksimovic, J. Soucek, D. Pisa, S.D. Bale, T. Chust, M. Kretzschmar, V. Krasnoselskikh, E. Lorfèvre, D. Plettemeier, M. Steller, S. Stveràk, P. Travnicek,
A. Vecchio, T.S. Horbury, H. O'Brien, V. Evans, V. Angelini.
Kinetic electrostatic waves and their association with current structures in the solar wind.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 656, A23, 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140943 (free access)
- 187
F. Carbone, L. Sorriso-Valvo, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, K. Steinvall, A. Vecchio, D. Telloni, E. Yordanova, D. B. Graham, N. J. T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, E. P. G. Johansson, C. L. Vásconez, M. Maksimovic, R. Bruno, R. D'Amicis, S. D. Bale, T. Chust, V. Krasnoselskikh, M. Kretzschmar, E. Lorfèvre, D. Plettemeier, J. Soucek, M. Steller, S. Stverák, P. Travnicek, A. Vaivads, T. S. Horbury, H. O'Brien, V. Angelini, V. Evans.
Statistical study of electron density turbulence and ion-cyclotron waves in the inner heliosphere: Solar Orbiter observations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 656, A16, 2021.
ArXiv: 2105.07790
- 186
K. Steinvall, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, G. Cozzani, A. Vaivads, E. Yordanova, A. Eriksson, N. J. T. Edberg, M. Maksimovic, S. D. Bale, T. Chust, V. Krasnoselskikh, M. Kretzschmar, E. Lorfèvre, D. Plettemeier, J. Soucek, M. Steller, S. Stveràk.
Solar wind current sheets and deHoffmann-Teller analysis: First results from Solar Orbiter's DC electric field measurements.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 656, A9, 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140855 (open access)
- 185
P. Stephenson, M. Galand, P. D. Feldman, A. Beth, M. Rubin, D. Bockelée-Morvan, N. Biver, Y.-C. Cheng, J. Parker, J. Burch, F. L. Johansson, and A. Eriksson.
Multi-instrument analysis of far-ultraviolet aurora in the southern hemisphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 647, A119, 2021.
- 184
S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, F. L. Johansson, E. Vigren, H. Nilsson, Z. Nemeth, A. Eriksson, H. Williamson.
Ion bulk speeds and temperatures in the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P from RPC-ICA measurements.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503, 2733-2745, 2021.
doi:10.1093/mnras/stab584 (open access)
- 183
H. Nilsson, H. N. Williamson, S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, E. Behar, A. I. Eriksson, F. L. Johansson, I. Richter, C. Goetz.
Average cometary ion flow pattern in the vicinity of comet 67P from moment data.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498, 5263-5272, 2020.
doi:10.1093/mnras/staa2613 (open access)
- 182
M. Galand, P.D. Feldman, D. Bockelée-Morvan, N. Biver, Y.-C. Cheng, G. Rinaldi,
M. Rubin, K. Altwegg, J. Deca, A. Beth, P. Stephenson, K.L. Heritier, P. Henri,
J. Parker, C. Carr, A.I. Eriksson, J. Burch.
Far-ultraviolet aurora identified at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Nature Astronomy, 21 September 2020.
- 181
F.L. Johansson, A.I. Eriksson, N. Gilet, P. Henri, G. Wattieaux,
M.G.G.T. Taylor, C. Imhof, F. Cipriani.
A charging model for the Rosetta spacecraft.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, A43, 2020.
- 180
N. Gilet, P. Henri, G. Wattieaux, N. Traoré, A. I. Eriksson,
X. Vallières, J. Moré, O. Randriamboarison, E. Odelstad,
F. L. Johansson, M. Rubin.
Observations of a mix of cold and warm electrons by RPC-MIP at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 640, A110, 2020.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937056 (open access)
- 179
E. Odelstad, A. I. Eriksson, M. André, D. B. Graham, T. Karlsson, A. Vaivads, E. Vigren, C. Goetz, H. Nilsson, P. Henri, G. Stenberg Wieser.
Plasma density and magnetic field fluctuations in the ion gyro-frequency range near the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, e2020JA028592, 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020JA028592 (open access)
- 178
M. Maksimovic and 96 co-authors.
The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, October 2020.
(open access)
- 177
T. Karlsson, Y. Kasaba, J.-E. Wahlund, P. Henri, L. Bylander, W. Puccio, S.-E. Jansson, L. Ahlen, E. Kallio, H. Kojima, A. Kumamoto, K. Lappalainen, B. Lybekk, K. Ishisaka, A. Eriksson, M. Morooka.
The MEFISTO and WPT Electric Field Sensors of the Plasma Wave Investigation
on the BepiColombo Mio Spacecraft.
Space Science Reviews, 216, 132, 2020.
(open access)
- 176
H. N. Williamson, H. Nilsson, G. Stenberg Wieser, A. I. Eriksson, I. Richter, C. Goetz.
Momentum and Pressure Balance of a Comet Ionosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020GL088666 (open access)
- 175
H. Madanian, J.L. Burch, A.I. Eriksson, T.E. Cravens, M. Galand, E. Vigren, R. Goldstein, Z. Nemeth, P. Mokashi, I. Richter, M. Rubin.
Electron dynamics near diamagnetic regions of comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko.
Planetary and Space Science, 187, 104924, 2020.
- 174
A. Divin, J. Deca, A. Eriksson, P. Henri, G. Lapenta, V. Olshevsky, S. Markidis.
A fully kinetic perspective of electron acceleration around a weakly outgassing comet.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 889, L33, 2020.
- 173
S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, F. L. Johansson, A. Eriksson.
The Influence of Varying Spacecraft Potentials and Debye Lengths on In Situ Low-Energy Ion Measurements.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, e2020JA027870, 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020JA027870 (open access)
- 172
M. Maksimovic and 105 co-authors.
The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, 2020.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936214 (free access)
- 171
S. Bergman, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, F. L. Johansson, A. Eriksson.
The Influence of Spacecraft Charging on Low-Energy Ion Measurements Made by RPC-ICA on Rosetta.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 125, e2019JA027478, 2020.
doi:10.1029/2019JA027478 (open access)
- 170
J. Deca, P. Henri, A. Divin, A. Eriksson, M. Galand, A. Beth, K. Ostaszewski, M. Horányi.
Building a Weakly Outgassing Comet from a Generalized Ohm's Law.
Physical Review Letters, 123, 055101, 2019.
- 169
N.J.T. Edberg, A.I. Eriksson, E. Vigren, F.L. Johansson, C. Goetz,
H. Nilsson, N. Gilet, P. Henri.
The convective electric field influence on the cold plasma and diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P.
The Astronomical Journal, 158, 71, 2019.
- 168
E. Vigren, N. J. T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, M. Galand, P. Henri, F. L. Johansson,
E. Odelstad, M. Rubin and X. Vallières.
The evolution of the electron number density in the coma of comet 67P at the location of Rosetta from 2015 November through 2016 March.
The Astrophysical Journal, 881, 6, 2019.
- 167
M. Myllys, P. Henri, M. Galand, K.L. Héritier, N. Gilet, R. Goldstein, A. I. Eriksson,
F. Johansson, J. Deca.
Plasma properties of suprathermal electrons near comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with Rosetta.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 166
N. J. T. Edberg, F. L. Johansson, A. I. Eriksson, D. J. Andrews,
R. Hajra, P. Henri, C. Simon Wedlund, M. Alho, E. Thiemann.
Solar flares observed by Rosetta at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 165
R. Goldstein, J. L. Burch, K. Llera, P. Mokashi, H. Nilsson, K. Dokgo,
A. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, I. Richter.
Electron acceleration at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 164
H. Breuillard, P. Henri, L. Bucciantini, M. Volwerk, T. Karlsson,
A. Eriksson, F. Johansson, E. Odelstad, I. Richter, C. Goetz,
X. Vallières, R. Hajra.
Properties of the singing comet waves in the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko plasma
environment as observed by the Rosetta mission.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 163
K. E. Mandt, A. Eriksson, A. Beth, M. Galand, and E. Vigren.
Influence of collisions on ion dynamics in the inner comae of four comets.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 162
M. Volwerk, C. Goetz, E. Behar, M. Delva, N. J. T. Edberg,
A. Eriksson, P. Henri, K. LLera, H. Nilsson, I. Richter,
G. Stenberg Wieser, K.-H. Glassmeier.
Dynamic field line draping at comet 67P/CG during Rosetta's dayside excursion.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2019.
- 161
M. W. Morooka, J.-E. Wahlund, L. Z. Hadid, A. I. Eriksson, N. J. T. Edberg, E. Vigren, D. J. Andrews, A. M. Persoon, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, W. M. Farrell, J. H. Waite, R. S. Perryman, M. Perry.
Saturn's Dusty Ionosphere.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 2019.
Access via Wiley author share.
- 160
E. Vigren, A. I. Eriksson.
On the ion-neutral coupling in cometary comae.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 1937-1941, 2019.
Free access at MNRAS
- 159
C. Goetz, B. T. Tsurutani, P. Henri, M. Volwerk, E. Behar, N. J. T. Edberg, A. Eriksson, R. Goldstein,
P. Mokashi, H. Nilsson, I. Richter, A. Wellbrock, and K. H. Glassmeier.
Unusually high magnetic fields in the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during its high-activity phase.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication, 2018.
- 158
F. Plaschke, T. Karlsson, C. Götz, C. Möstl, I. Richter, M. Volwerk, A. Eriksson, E. Behar, R. Goldstein.
First observations of magnetic holes deep within the coma of a
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 618, A114, 2018.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833300(open access)
- 157
H. Gunell, C. Goetz, C. Simon Wedlund, J. Lindkvist, M. Hamrin, H. Nilsson, K. Llera,
A. I. Eriksson, M. Holmström.
The infant bow shock: a new frontier at a weak activity comet.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619, L2, 2018.
Access through DiVA: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-369939
- 156
L. Z. Hadid, M. W. Morooka, J.-E. Wahlund, L. Moore, T. E. Cravens, M. M. Hedman, N. J. T. Edberg, E. Vigren, J. H. Waite Jr., R. Perryman, W. S. Kurth, W. M. Farrell, A. I. Eriksson.
Ring Shadowing Effects on Saturn's Ionosphere: Implications for Ring Opacity and Plasma Transport.
Geophysical Research Letters, in press, 2018.
Access via Wiley author share.
- 155
D. B. Graham, A. Vaivads, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, A. I. Eriksson,
M. André, D. M. Malaspina, P.-A. Lindqvist, D. J. Gershman, F. Plaschke.
Enhanced Escape of Spacecraft Photoelectrons Caused by Langmuir and Upper Hybrid Waves.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 7534-7553, 2018.
Access through DiVA: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-369520
- 154
H. Nilsson, H. Gunell, T. Karlsson, N. Brenning, P. Henri, C. Goetz, A. I. Eriksson, E. Behar, G. Stenberg Wieser and X. Valliéres.
Size of a plasma cloud matters: The polarisation electric field of a small-scale comet ionosphere.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 616, A50, 2018.
Access via DiVA: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-362688
- 153
R. Hajra, P. Henri, M. Myllys, K. Héritier, M. Galand, C. Simon Wedlund, H. Breuillard, E. Behar, N. J. T. Ednerg, C. Goetz, H. Nilsson,
A. I. Eriksson, R. Goldstein, B. T. Tsurutani, J. Moré, X. Vallières, G. Wattieaux.
Cometary plasma response to interplanetary corotating interaction regions during 2016 June - September: a quantitative study by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, 4544-4556, 2018.
- 152
K. L. Heritier, K. Altwegg, J.-J. Berthelier, A. Beth, C. M. Carr, J. De Keyser, A. I. Eriksson, S. A. Fuselier, M. Galand, T. I. Gombosi, P. Henri, F. L. Johansson, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin, C. Simon Wedlund, M. G. G. T. Taylor, E. Vigren.
On the origin of molecular oxygen in cometary comae.
Nature Communications, 9, 2580, 2018.
- 151
B. M. Jakosky and 131 others.
Loss of the martian atmosphere to space: Present-day loss rates determined from MAVEN observations and integrated loss
through time.
Icarus, in press, 2018.
- 150
I. A. D. Engelhardt, A. I. Eriksson, E. Vigren, X. Vallières, M. Rubin,
N. Gilet, P. Henri.
Cold electrons at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 616, A51, 2018.
Arxiv: 1806.09833
- 149
K. L. Heritier, M. Galand, P. Henri, F. L. Johansson, A. Beth, A. I. Eriksson, X. Vallières, K. Altwegg, J. L. Burch, C. Carr, E. Ducrot, , R. Hajra, M. Rubin.
Plasma source and loss at comet 67P during the Rosetta mission.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 618, A77, 2018.
Access through DiVA
- 148
E. Odelstad, A. I. Eriksson, F. L. Johansson, E. Vigren, P. Henri,
N. Gilet, K. L. Heritier, X. Vallières, M. Rubin, M. André.
Ion velocity and electron temperature inside and around the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 5870-5893, 2018.
Access via Wiley author share
- 147
B. Madsen, C. Simon Wedlund, A. I. Eriksson, C. Goetz, T. Karlsson,
H. Gunell, A. Spicher, P. Henri, X. Vallières, W. J. Miloch.
Extremely low-frequency waves inside the diamagnetic cavity
of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 3854-3864, 2018.
- 146
I.A.D. Engelhardt, A.I. Eriksson, G. Stenberg Wieser, C. Goetz, M. Rubin, P. Henri, H. Nilsson, E. Odelstad, R. Hajra, X. Vallières.
Plasma Density Structures at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 1296-1307, 2018.
Free access link:
- 145
R. Hajra, P. Henri, X. Vallieres, J. Moré, N. Gilet, G. Wattieaux, C. Goetz, I. Richter, B. T. Tsurutani, H. Gunell, H. Nilsson, A. I. Eriksson, Z. Nemeth, J. L. Burch, M. Rubin.
Dynamic unmagnetized plasma in the diamagnetic cavity around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475, 4140-4147, 2018.
- 144
J.-E. Wahlund, M. W. Morooka, L. Z. Hadid, A. M. Persoon, W. M. Farrell, D. A. Gurnett, G. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, S.-Y. Ye, D. J. Andrews, N. J. T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, E. Vigren.
In situ measurements of Saturn's ionosphere show that it is dynamic and interacts with the rings.
Science, 359, 66-68, 2018.
- 143
L. Maes, R. Maggiolo, J. D. Keyser, M. André, A. Eriksson, S. Haaland, K. Li, S. Poedts.
Solar illumination control of the polar wind.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 11468-11480, 2017.
- 142
K. Li, Y. Wei, M. André, A. Eriksson, S. Haaland, E. A. Kronberg,
H. Nilsson, L. Maes, Z. J. Rong, W. X. Wan.
Cold ion outflow modulated by the solar wind energy input and tilt of the geomagnetic
Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 10,658-10,668, 2017.
- 141
F. L. Johansson, E. Odelstad, J. J. P. Paulsson, S. S. Harang, A. I Eriksson,
T. Mannel, E. Vigren, N. J. T. Edberg, W. J. Miloch, C. Simon Wedlund, E. Thiemann,
F. Eparvier, L. Andersson.
Rosetta photoelectron emission and solar ultraviolet flux at comet 67P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S626-S635, 2017.
- 140
E. Odelstad, G. Stenberg Wieser, M. Wieser, A. I Eriksson, H. Nilsson,
F. L. Johansson.
Measurements of the electrostatic potential of Rosetta at comet 67P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S568-S581, 2017.
- 139
G. Stenberg Wieser, E. Odelstad, M. Wieser, H. Nilsson,
C. Goetz, T. Karlsson, M. André, L. Kalla, A. I Eriksson,
G. Nicolaou, C. Simon Wedlund, I. Richter, H. Gunell.
Investigating short time-scale variations in cometary ions around comet 67P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S522-S534, 2017.
- 138
K.L. Heritier, K. Altwegg, H. Balsiger, A. Beth, A. Bieler,
N. Biver, U. Calmonte, M. R. Combi, J. De Keyser, A. I. Eriksson,
B. Fiethe, N. Fougere, S. A. Fuselier, M. Galand, S. Gasc,
T. I. Gombosi, K. C. Hansen, M. Hassig, E. Kopp, E. Odelstad,
M. Rubin, C.-Y. Tzou, E. Vigren, V. Vuitton.
Ion composition at comet 67P near perihelion: Rosetta
observations and model-based interpretation.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S118-S129, 2017.
- 137
R. Goldstein, J. Burch, P. Mokashi, K., Mandt, A. Eriksson, E. Behar, C. Carr,
K.-H. Glassmeier, P. Henri, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin, C.-Y. Tzou.
Two years of Solar Wind and Pickup Ion Measurements at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S262-S267, 2017.
- 136
P. Henri, X. Vallières, R. Hajra, C. Goetx, I. Richter, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. Galand,
M. Rubin, A. I. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, Z. Nemeth, E. Vigren, A. Beth, J. L. Burch,
J. L. Burch, C. Carr, H. Nilsson, B. Tsurutani, G. Wattieaux.
Diamagnetic region(s): Structure of the Unmagnetised Plasma around Comet 67P/CG.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S372-379,, 2017.
- 135
R. Hajra, P. Henri, X. Vallières, M. Galand, K. Héritier,
A. I. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, N. J. T. Edberg, J. L. Burch, T. Broiles, R. Goldstein, K. H. Glassmeier, I. Richter, C. Goetz, B. T. Tsurutani, H. Nilsson, K. Altwegg, M. Rubin.
Impact of a cometary outburst on its ionosphere. Rosetta Plasma Consortium observations of the outburst exhibited by comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 19 February 2016.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 607, A34, 2017.
- 134
A. I. Eriksson, I. A. D. Engelhardt, M. André, R. Boström,
N. J. T. Edberg, F. L. Johansson, E. Odelstad, E. Vigren, J.-E. Wahlund,
P. Henri, J.-P. Lebreton, W. J. Miloch, J. J. P. Paulsson, C. Simon Wedlund,
L. Yang, T. Karlsson, R. Jarvinen, T. Broiles, K. Mandt, C. M. Carr,
M. Galand, H. Nilsson, C. Norberg.
Cold and warm electrons at comet 67P.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 605, A14, 2017.
- 133
H. Gunell, C. Goetz, A. Eriksson, H. Nilsson, C. Simon Wedlund, P. Henri, R. Maggiolo, M. Hamrin, J. De Keyser, M. Rubin, G. Stenberg Wieser, G. Cessateur, F. Dhooghe, A. Gibbons.
Plasma waves confined to the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S84-S92, 2017.
- 132
E. Vigren, M. André, N. J. T. Edberg, I. A. D. Engelhardt, A. I. Eriksson, M. Galand,
C. Goetz, P. Henri, K. Heritier, F. L. Johansson, H. Nilsson, E. Odelstad, M. Rubin,
G. Stenberg-Wieser, C.-Y. Tzou, X. Vallières.
Effective ion speeds at ~200-250 km from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko near perihelion.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S142-S148, 2017.
- 131
K.L. Heritier, P. Henri, X. Vallières, M. Galand, E. Odelstad, A.I. Eriksson,
F. L. Johansson, K. Altwegg, E. Behar, A. Beth, T.W. Broiles, J.L. Burch,
C.M. Carr, E. Cupido, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin, E. Vigren.
Vertical structure of the near-surface expanding ionosphere of comet 67P probed by Rosetta.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S118-S129, 2017.
- 130
J. Deca, A. Divin, P. Henri, A. Eriksson, S. Markidis, V. Olshevsky, M. Horányi.
Electron and Ion Dynamics of the Solar Wind Interaction with a Weakly Outgassing Comet.
Physical Review Letters, 118, 205101, 2017.
- 129
M. André, E. Odelstad, D. B. Graham, A. I. Eriksson, T. Karlsson, G. Stenberg Wieser, E. Vigren, C. Norgren, F. L. Johansson, P. Henri, M. Rubin, I. Richter.
Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, S29-S38, 2017.
- 128
M. Volwerk, G. H. Jones, T. Broiles, J. Burch, C. Carr, A. J. Coates, E. Cupido, M. Delva, N. J. T. Edberg, A. Eriksson, C. Goetz, R. Goldstein, P. Henri, H. Madanian, H. Nilsson, I. Richter, K. Schwingenschuh, G. Stenberg Wieser, K.-H. Glassmeier.
Current sheets in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's coma.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 3308-3321, 2017.
- 127
H. Gunell, H. Nilsson, M. Hamrin, A. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, R. Maggiolo, P. Henri, X. Vallieres, K. Altwegg, C.-Y. Tzou, M. Rubin, K.-H. Glassmeier, G. Stenberg Wieser, C. Simon Wedlund, J. De Keyser, F. Dhooghe, G. Cessateur, A. Gibbons.
Ion acoustic waves at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko-Observations and computations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 600, A3, 2017.
- 126
E. Vigren, A. I. Eriksson.
A 1D Model of Radial Ion Motion Interrupted by Ion-neutral Interactions in a Cometary Coma.
Astronomical Journal, 153, 150, 2017.
- 125
T. Karlsson, A. I. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, M. André, G. Dickeli, K.-H. Glassmeier, A. Kullen, P.-A. Lindqvist, H. Nilsson, I. Richter.
Rosetta measurements of lower hybrid frequency range electric field oscillations in the plasma environment of comet 67P.
Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 2017.
- 124
D. J. Knudsen, J. K. Burchill, S. C. Buchert, A. Eriksson, R. Gill, J.-E. Wahlund,
L. Åhlén, M. Smith, B. Moffat.
Thermal Ion Imagers and Langmuir Probes in the Swarm Electric Field Instruments.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 2655-2673, 2017.
doi:10.1002/2016JA022571 (open access)
- 123
M. Galand, K. L. Héretier, E. Odelstad, P. Henri, T. W. Broiles, A. J. Allen, K. Altwegg, A. Beth, J. L. Burch, C. M. Carr, E. Cupido, A. I. Eriksson, K.-H. Glassmeier, F. L. Johansson, J.-P. Lebreton, K. E. Mandt, H. Nilsson, I. Richter, M. Rubin, L. B. M. Sagnières, S. J. Schwartz, T. Sémon, C.-Y. Tzao, X. Vallières, E. Vigren, P. Wurz.
Ionospheric plasma of comet 67P probed by Rosetta at 3 AU from the Sun.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S331-S335, 2016.
- 122
C. Goetz, C. Koenders, K. C. Hansen, J. Burch, C. Carr,
A. Eriksson, D. Fröhoff, C. Guettler, P. Henri, H. Nilsson,
I. Richter, M. Rubin, H. Sierks, B. Tsurutani, M. Volwerk and K.-H. Glassmeier.
Structure and evolution of the diamagnetic cavity at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S459-S467, 2016.
- 121
T. W. Broiles, J. L. Burch, K. Chae, G. Clark, T. E. Cravens, A. Eriksson, S. A. Fuselier, R. A. Frahm, S. Gasc, R. Goldstein, P. Henri, C. Koenders, G. Livadiotis, K. E. Mandt, P. Mokashi, Z. Nemeth, E. Odelstad, M. Rubin, M. Samara.
Statistical analysis of suprathermal electron drivers at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S312-S322, 2016.
- 120
- N. J. T. Edberg, M. Alho, M. André, D. J. Andrews, E. Behar, J. L. Burch, C. M. Carr, E. Cupido,
I. A. D. Engelhardt, A. I. Eriksson, K.-H. Glassmeier, C. Goetz, R. Goldstein, P. Henri, F. L. Johansson,
C. Koenders, K. Mandt, C. Möstl, H. Nilsson, E. Odelstad, I. Richter, C. Simon Wedlund,
G. Stenberg Wieser, K. Szegö, E. Vigren, M. Volwerk.
CME impact on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S45-S56, 2016.
- 119
- E. Vigren, K. Altwegg, N. J. T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, M. Galand, P. Henri, F. Johansson, E. Odelstad, C.-Y. Tzou, X. Vallieres.
Model-Observation Comparisons of Electron Number Densities in the Coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during January 2015.
Astronomical Journal, 152, 59, 2016.
- 118
- E. Grün, J. Agarwal, N. Altobelli, K. Altwegg, M. S. Bentley, N. Biver, V. Della Corte, N. Edberg, P. D. Feldman, M. Galand, B. Geiger, C. Götz, B. Grieger, C. Güttler, P. Henri, M. Hofstadter, M. Horanyi, E. Jehin, H. Krüger, S. Lee, T. Mannel, E. Morales, O. Mousis, M. Müller, C. Opitom, A. Rotundi, R. Schmied, F. Schmidt, H. Sierks, C. Snodgrass, R. H. Soja, M. Sommer, R. Srama, C.-Y. Tzou, J.-B. Vincent, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, M. F. A'Hearn, A. I. Erikson, C. Barbieri, M. A. Barucci, J.-L. Bertaux, I. Bertini, J. Burch, L. Colangeli, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, B. Davidsson, S. Debei, M. De Cecco, J. Deller, L. M. Feaga, M. Ferrari, S. Fornasier, M. Fulle, A. Gicquel, M. Gillon, S. F. Green, O. Groussin, P. J. Gutierrez, M. Hofmann, S. F. Hviid, W.-H. Ip, S. Ivanovski, L. Jorda, H. U. Keller, M. M. Knight, J. Knollenberg, D. Koschny, J.-R. Kramm, E. Kührt, M. Küppers, P. L. Lamy, L. M. Lara, M. Lazzarin, J. J. Lopez-Moreno, J. Manfroid, E. Mazzotta Epifani, F. Marzari, G. Naletto, N. Oklay, P. Palumbo, J. Wm. Parker, H. Rickman, R. Rodrigo, J. Rodriguez, E. Schindhelm, X. Shi, R. Sordini, A. J. Steffl, S. A. Stern, N. Thomas, C. Tubiana, H. A. Weaver, P. Weissman, V. V. Zakharov, M. G. G. T. Taylor.
The 19 Feb. 2016 Outburst of Comet 67P/CG: An ESA Rosetta Multi-Instrument Study.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S220-S234, 2016.
- 117
- L. Yang, J. J. P. Paulsson, C. Simon Wedlund, E. Odelstad, N. J. T. Edberg, C. Koenders, A. I. Eriksson, W. Miloch.
Observations of high-plasma density region in the inner coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during early activity.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S33-S44, 2016.
- 116
- K. Mandt, A. I. Eriksson, N. J. T. Edberg, C. Koenders, T. Broiles, S. A. Fuselier, P. Henri, Z. Nemeth, M. Alho, N. Biver, A. Beth, J. Burch, C. Carr, K. Chae, A. J. Coates, E. Cupido, M. Galand, K.-H. Glassmeier, C. Goetz, R. Goldstein, K. C. Hansen, J. Haiducek, E. Kallio, J.-P. Lebreton, A. Luspay-Kuti, P. Mokashi, H. Nilsson, A. Opitz, I. Richter, M. Samara, K. Szego, C.-Y. Tzou, M. Volwerk, C. Simon Wedlund and G. Stenberg Wieser.
RPC observation of the development and evolution of plasma interaction boundaries at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S9-S22, 2016.
- 115
H. Madanian, T. E. Cravens, A. Rahmati, R. Goldstein, J. Burch, A. I. Eriksson,
N. J. T. Edberg, P. Henri, K. Mandt, G. Clark, M. Rubin, T. Broiles, N. L. Reedy
Suprathermal electrons near the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at 3
AU: model comparisons with Rosetta data
Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 2016.
- 114
N.J.T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, E. Vigren, D. J. Andrews, F. Johansson, J. L. Burch, C. M. Carr, E. Cupido, K.-H. Glassmeier.
Solar wind interaction with comet 67P: Impacts of corotating interaction regions.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 949-965, 2016.
- 113
TW Broiles, G Livadiotis, JL Burch, K Chae, G Clark, TE Cravens, R Davidson, A Eriksson, RA Frahm, SA Fuselier, J Goldstein, R Goldstein, P Henri, H Madanian, K Mandt, P Mokashi, C Pollock, A Rahmati, M Samara, SJ Schwartz.
Characterizing cometary electrons with kappa distributions.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 7402-7422, 2016.
- 112
RE Ergun, LA Andersson, CM Fowler, AK Woodson, TD Weber, GT Delory, David J Andrews, Anders I Eriksson, T McEnulty, MW Morooka, AIF Stewart, PR Mahaffy, BM Jakosky.
Enhanced O2+ loss at Mars due to an ambipolar electric field from electron heating.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 4668-4678, 2016.
- 111
C. Goetz, C. Koenders, I. Richter, K. Altwegg, J. Burch, C. Carr, E. Cupido, A. Eriksson, C. Guettler, P. Henri, P. Mokashi, Z. Nemeth, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin, H. Sierks, B. Tsurutani, C. Vallat, M. Volwerk and K.-H. Glassmeier.
First detection of a diamagnetic cavity at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 588, A24, 2016.
- 110
M. Volwerk, I. Richter, B. Tsurutani, C. Götz, K. Altwegg, T. Broiles, J. Burch, C. Carr, E. Cupido, M. Delva, M. Dòsa, N. J. T. Edberg, A. Eriksson, P. Henri, C. Koenders, J.-P. Lebreton, K. E. Mandt, H. Nilsson, A. Opitz, M. Rubin, K. Schwingenschuh, G. Stenberg Wieser, K. Szegö, C. Vallat, X. Vallieres, and K.-H. Glassmeier.
Mass-loading, pile-up, and mirror-mode waves at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Annales Geophysicae, 34, 1-15, 2016.
- 109
E. Odelstad, A. I. Eriksson, N. J. T. Edberg, F. Johansson, E. Vigren, M. André, C.-Y. Tzou, C. Carr, E. Cupido.
Evolution of the plasma environment of comet 67P from spacecraft potential measurements by the Rosetta Langmuir probe instrument.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42 , 10126-10134, 2015.
- 108
- I.A.D. Engelhardt, J.-E. Wahlund, D.J. Andrews, A.I. Eriksson, S. Ye, W.S. Kurth, D.A. Gurnett, M.W. Morooka, W.M. Farrell, M.K. Dougherty.
Plasma regions, charged dust and field-aligned currents near Enceladus.
Planetary and Space Science, 117, 453-469, 2015.
- 107
H. Nilsson, G. Stenberg Wieser, E. Behar, C. Simon Wedlund, E. Kallio, H. Gunell, N. J. T. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, M. Yamauchi, C. Koenders, M. Wieser, R. Lundin, S. Barabash, K. Mandt, J. L. Burch, R. Goldstein, P. Mokashi, C. Carr, E. Cupido, P. T. Fox, K. Szego, Z. Nemeth, A. Fedorov, J.-A. Sauvaud, H. Koskinen, I. Richter, J.-P. Lebreton, P. Henri, M. Volwerk, C. Vallat and B. Geiger.
Evolution of the ion environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583,, A20, 2015.
- 106
D. J. Andrews, L. Andersson, G. T. Delory, R. E. Ergun, A. I. Eriksson, C. M. Fowler, T. McEnulty, M. W. Morooka, T. Weber, B. M. Jakosky.
Ionospheric plasma density variations observed at Mars by MAVEN/LPW.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42,, 8862-8869, 2015.
- 105
R. E. Ergun, M. W. Morooka, L. A. Andersson, C. M. Fowler, G. T. Delory, D. J. Andrews, A. I. Eriksson, T. McEnulty, B. M. Jakosky.
Dayside electron temperature and density profiles at Mars: First results from the MAVEN Langmuir probe and waves instrument.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42,, 8846-8853, 2015.
- 104
C. M. Fowler, L. Andersson, R. E. Ergun, M. Morooka, G. Delory, D. J. Andrews, Robert J. Lillis, T. McEnulty, T. D. Weber, T. M. Chamandy, A. I. Eriksson, D. L. Mitchell, C. Mazelle, B. M. Jakosky.
The first in situ electron temperature and density measurements of the Martian nightside ionosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42,, 8854-8861, 2015.
- 103
S. Haaland, A. Eriksson, M. André, L. Maes, L. Baddeley,
A. Barakat, R. Chappell, V. Eccles, C. Johnsen, B. Lybekk,
K. Li, A. Pedersen, R. Schunk, D. Welling
Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 10622-10639, 2015.
- 102
- E. Vigren, M. Galand, A. I. Eriksson, N. J. T. Edberg, E. Odelstad, and S. J. Schwartz.
On the Electron-to-Neutral Number Density Ratio in the Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Guiding Expression and Sources for Deviations.
Astrophysical Journal, 812, 2015.
- 101
- L. Andersson, T. D. Weber, D. Malaspina, F. Crary, R. E. Ergun, G. T. Delory, C. M. Fowler, M. W. Morooka, T. McEnulty, A. I. Eriksson, D. J. Andrews, M. Horanyi, A. Collette, R. Yelle, and B. M. Jakosky.
Dust observations at orbital altitudes surrounding Mars.
Science, 350, 2015.
- 100
- B. M. Jakosky, J. M. Grebowsky, J. G. Luhmann, J. Connerney, F. Eparvier, R. Ergun, J. Halekas, D. Larson, P. Mahaffy, J. McFadden, D. L. Mitchell, N. Schneider, R. Zurek, S. Bougher, D. Brain, Y. J. Ma, C. Mazelle, L. Andersson, D. Andrews, D. Baird, D. Baker, J. M. Bell, M. Benna, M. Chaffin, P. Chamberlin, Y.-Y. Chaufray, J. Clarke, G. Collinson, M. Combi, F. Crary, T. Cravens, M. Crismani, S. Curry, D. Curtis, J. Deighan, G. Delory, R. Dewey, G. DiBraccio, C. Dong, Y. Dong, P. Dunn, M. Elrod, S. England, A. Eriksson, J. Espley, S. Evans, X. Fang, M. Fillingim, K. Fortier, C. M. Fowler, J. Fox, H. Griller, S. Guzewich, T. Hara, Y. Harada, G. Holsclaw, S. K. Jain, R. Jolitz, F. Leblanc, C. O. Lee, Y. Lee, F. Lefevre, R. Lillis, R. Livi, D. Lo, M. Mayyasi, W. McClintock, T. McEnulty, R. Modolo, F. Montmessin, M. Morooka, A. Nagy, K. Olsen, W. Peterson, A. Rahmati, S. Ruhunusiri, C. T. Russell, S. Sakai, J.-A. Sauvaud, K. Seki, M. Steckiewicz, M. Stevens, A. I. F. Stewart, A. Stiepen, S. Stone, V. Tenishev, E. Thiemann, R. Tolson, D. Toublanc, M. Vogt, T. Weber, P. Withers, T. Woods, and R. Yelle.
MAVEN observations of the response of Mars to an interplanetary coronal mass ejection.
Science, 350, 2015.
- 99
- S. Bougher, B. Jakosky, J. Halekas, J. Grebowsky, J. Luhmann, P. Mahaffy, J. Connerney, F. Eparvier, R. Ergun, D. Larson, J. McFadden, D. Mitchell, N. Schneider, R. Zurek, C. Mazelle, L. Andersson, D. Andrews, D. Baird, D. N. Baker, J. M. Bell, M. Benna, D. Brain, M. Chaffin, P. Chamberlin, J.-Y. Chaufray, J. Clarke, G. Collinson, M. Combi, F. Crary, T. Cravens, M. Crismani, S. Curry, D. Curtis, J. Deighan, G. Delory, R. Dewey, G. DiBraccio, C. Dong, Y. Dong, P. Dunn, M. Elrod, S. England, A. Eriksson, J. Espley, S. Evans, X. Fang, M. Fillingim, K. Fortier, C. M. Fowler, J. Fox, H. Gröller, S. Guzewich, T. Hara, Y. Harada, G. Holsclaw, S. K. Jain, R. Jolitz, F. Leblanc, C. O. Lee, Y. Lee, F. Lefevre, R. Lillis, R. Livi, D. Lo, Y. Ma, M. Mayyasi, W. McClintock, T. McEnulty, R. Modolo, F. Montmessin, M. Morooka, A. Nagy, K. Olsen, W. Peterson, A. Rahmati, S. Ruhunusiri, C. T. Russell, S. Sakai, J.-A. Sauvaud, K. Seki, M. Steckiewicz, M. Stevens, A. I. F. Stewart, A. Stiepen, S. Stone, V. Tenishev, E. Thiemann, R. Tolson, D. Toublanc, M. Vogt, T. Weber, P. Withers, T. Woods, and R. Yelle.
Early MAVEN Deep Dip campaign reveals thermosphere and ionosphere variability.
Science, 350, 2015.
- 98
- L. Andersson, R. E. Ergun, G. T. Delory, A. Eriksson, J. Westfall, H. Reed,
J. McCauly, D. Summers, D. Meyers
The Langmuir Probe and Waves (LPW) Instrument for MAVEN.
Space Science Reviews, 195, 173-198, 2015.
- 97
- R. B. Torbert, C.T. Russell, W. Magnes, R. E. Ergun, P.-A. Lindqvist, O. LeContel,
H. Vaith, J. Macri, S. Myers, D. Rau, J. Needell, B. King, M. Granoff, M. Chutter, I.
Dors, G. Olsson, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, A. Eriksson, C. A. Kletzing, S. Bounds, B.
Anderson, W. Baumjohann, M. Steller, K. Bromund, Guan Le, R. Nakamura, R. J.
Strangeway, H. K. Leinweber, S. Tucker, J. Westfall, D. Fischer, F. Plaschke, J.
Porter and K. Lappalainen
The FIELDS Instrument Suite on MMS: Scientific Objectives, Measurements, and Data Products.
Space Science Reviews, 1-31, 2015.
- 96
- I. Richter, C. Koenders, H.-U. Auster, D. Frühauff, C. Götz, P. Heinisch, C. Perschke, U. Motschmann, B. Stoll, K. Altwegg, J. Burch, C. Carr, E. Cupido, A. Eriksson, P. Henri, R. Goldstein, J.-P. Lebreton, P. Mokashi, Z. Nemeth, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin, K. Szegö, B. T. Tsurutani, C. Vallat, M. Volwerk, K.-H. Glassmeier
Observation of a new type of low-frequency waves at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Annales Geophysicae, 33, 1031-1036, 2015.
- 95
- N. Edberg, A. I. Eriksson, E. Odelstad, P. Henri, J.-P. Lebreton, S. Gasc, M. Rubin, M. André, R. Gill, E. P. G. Johansson, F. Johansson, E. Vigren, J. E. Wahlund, C. M. Carr, E. Cupido, K.-H. Glassmeier, R. Goldstein, C. Koenders, K. Mandt, Z. Nemeth, H. Nilsson, I. Richter, G. Stenberg Wieser, K. Szego, M. Volwerk.
Spatial distribution of low-energy plasma around comet 67P/CG from Rosetta measurements.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 4263-4269, 2015.
- 94
- S. Buchert, F. Zangerl, M. Sust, M. André, A. Eriksson,
J.-E. Wahlund, H. Opgenoorth.
Swarm observations of equatorial electron densities and topside GPS track losses.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 2088-2092, 2015.
- 93
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Control of the topside Martian ionosphere by crustal magnetic fields.
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- H. Nilsson, G. Stenberg Wieser, E. Behar, C. Simon Wedlund, H. Gunell, M. Yamauchi, R. Lundin, S. Barabash, M. Wieser, C. Carr, E. Cupido, J. L. Burch, A. Fedorov, J.-A. Sauvaud, H. Koskinen, E. Kallio, J.-P. Lebreton, A. Eriksson, N. Edberg, R. Goldstein, P. Henri, C. Koenders, P. Mokashi, Z. Nemeth, I. Richter, K. Szego, M. Volwerk, C. Vallat, M. Rubin.
Birth of a comet magnetosphere: A spring of water ions.
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- E. Vigren, M. Galand, P. Lavvas, A. Eriksson, J.-E. Wahlund.
On the possibility of significant electron depletion due to nanograin charging
in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko near perihelion.
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- M. André, K. Li, A. I. Eriksson.
Outflow of low-energy ions and the solar cycle.
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- P.-A. Lindqvist, G. Olsson, R. B. Torbert, B. King, M. Granoff, D. Rau, G. Needell, S. Turco, I. Dors, P. Beckman, J. Macri, C. Frost, J. Salwen, A. Eriksson, L. Ahlen, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, J. Porter, K. Lappalainen, R. E. Ergun, W. Wermeer, S. Tucker
The Spin-Plane Double Probe Electric Field Instrument for MMS.
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- Y. V. Khotyaintsev, P.-A. Lindqvist, C. M. Cully, A. Eriksson, M. André
In-flight calibration of double-probe electric field measurements on Cluster.
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- Kun Li, S. Haaland, A. Eriksson, M. André, E. Engwall,
Y. Wei, E. A. Kronberg, M. Fränz, P. W. Daly, H. Zhao, Q. Y. Ren
Transport of cold ions from the polar ionosphere to the plasma sheet.
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- H. Nilsson, I. Barghouthi, R. Slapak, A. Eriksson, M. André
Hot and cold ion outflow: Observations and implications for numerical models.
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- S. Rehman, J. Burchill, A. Eriksson, R. Marchand
Earth magnetic field effects on Swarm electric field instrument.
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- H. Nilsson, I. Barghouthi, R. Slapak, A. Eriksson, M. André
Hot and cold ion outflow: spatial distribution of ion heating.
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- P. Garnier, J.-E. Wahlund, M. Holmberg, M. Morooka, S. Grimald, A. Eriksson,
P. Schippers, D. Gurnett, S. Krimigis, N. Krupp, A. Coates, F. Crary, G. Gustafsson
The detection of energetic electrons with the Cassini Langmuir probe at Saturn
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On the ionospheric source region of the cold ion outflow
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- S. Haaland, A. I. Eriksson, E. Engwall, B. Lybekk,
H. Nilsson, A. Pedersen, K. Svenes, M. André, M. Förster, K. Li,
C. Johnsen, N. Østgaard
Estimating the capture and loss of cold plasma from ionospheric outflow
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- R. Slapak, H. Nilsson, L. G. Westerberg and A. I. Eriksson
Observations of oxygen ions in the dayside magnetosheath associated with southward IMF
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- A. Sjögren, A. I. Eriksson and C. M. Cully.
Simulation of potential measurements around a photoemitting spacecraft in a flowing plasma
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40, 1257-1261, 2012.
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- M. W. Morooka, J.-E. Wahlund, A. I. Eriksson, W. M. Farell, D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth,
A. M. Persoon, M. Shafiq, M. André, M. K. G. Holmberg
Dusty plasma in the vicinity of Enceladus
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- H. Nilsson, E. Engwall, A. Eriksson, P. A. Puhl-Quinn and S. Arvelius
Centrifugal acceleration in the magnetotail lobes
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- N. J. T. Edberg, U. Auster, S. Barabash, D. A. Brain, J. L. Burch, A. Bösswetter, C. M. Carr, S. W. H. Cowley,
E. Cupido, F. Duru, A. I. Eriksson, M. Fränz,
K.-H. Glassmeier, R. Goldstein, M. Lester, R. Lundin, R.
Modolo, H. Nilsson, I. Richter, M. Samara, and J. G. Trotignon
Rosetta and Mars Express observations of the influence of high solar
wind pressure on the Martian plasma environment
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- J.-E. Wahlund, M. Galand, I. Müller-Wodarg, J. Cui, R.V. Yelle, F.J. Crary, K. Mandt, B. Magee, J.H. Waite Jr., D.T. Young, A.J. Coates, P. Garnier, K. Ågren, M. André, A.I. Eriksson, T.E. Cravens, V. Vuitton, D.A. Gurnett, W.S. Kurth.
On the amount of heavy molecular ions in Titan's ionosphere.
Planetary and Space Science, 57, 1857-1865, 2009.
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- E. Engwall, A. I. Eriksson, C. M. Cully, M. André,
P. A. Puhl-Quinn, H. Vaith, R. Torbert.
Survey of cold ionospheric outflows in the magnetotail.
Annales Geophysicae, 27, 3185-3201, 2009.
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A. I. Eriksson, A. M. Persoon, D.A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth,
A. J. Coates, G. R. Lewis, K. K. Khurana, M. Dougherty.
The electron density of Saturn's magnetosphere.
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Morooka, M. Shafiq, T.F. Averkamp, D.A. Gurnett, G.B. Hospodarsky, W.S.
Kurth, K.S. Jacobsen, A. Pedersen, W. Farrell, S. Ratynskaia, N.
Detection of dusty plasma near the E-ring of Saturn.
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- J.-O. Hall, G. Stenberg, A.
Eriksson, M. André.
Formation of lower-hybrid solitary
structures by modulational
interaction between
lower-hybrid and dispersive Alfvén
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- E. Engwall, A. I.
Eriksson, C. M. Cully, M. André, R. Torbert, H. Vaith.
Earth's ionospheric outflow dominated by hidden cold plasma.
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- K.Torkar, A. I.
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Long term study of active spacecraft potential control.
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S.W.H. Cowley, E. Cupido, M. Fränz, K.-H. Glassmeier, R.
Goldstein, M. Lester,
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Simultaneous measurements of the Martian plasma environment by
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- A. Kullen, S. Buchert, T. Karlsson, T. Johansson, S. Lileo,
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Nilsson, A. Marchaudon, and A. N. Fazakerley.
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contribution to the ionospheric plasma convection
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- N. J. T. Edberg, M. Lester, S. W. H. Cowley and A. Eriksson.
Statistical analysis of the location of the Martian magnetic pileup
boundary and bow shock and the influence of crustal magnetic fields.
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- A. Pedersen, B. Lybekk, M. André, A. Eriksson, P.-A. Lindqvist F.
Mozer, P. M. E. Décréau, A. Masson, H. Laakso, H.
Rème, J.-A. Sauvaud, A. Fazakerley, K. Svenes, G. Paschmann, K.
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Electron density estimations derived from spacecraft potential
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Electrostatic structure around spacecraft in tenuous plasmas.
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P. M. E. Décréau, J. Geiswiller, P. Gille, R. Grard, T.
Hachemi, M. Hamelin, A. Eriksson,
H. Laakso, J. P. Lebreton, C. Mazelle, O. Randriamboarison, W. Schmidt,
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Low frequency electric field and density fluctuation measurements on
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Wake formation behind positively charged spacecraft in flowing tenuous
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Low-energy (order 10 eV) ion flow in the magnetotail lobes inferred
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Enhancement of electric and magnetic wave fields at density gradients.
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B. Klecker, H. Laakso, P.-A. Lindqvist, F. Mozer,
G. Paschmann, A. Pedersen, J. Quinn, R. Torbert,
K. Torkar, and H. Vaith.
Electric field measurements on Cluster: comparing the double-probe and
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Double-probe measurements in cold flowing tenuous plasmas.
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Charging of the Freja satellite in the auroral zone.
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- L. G. Blomberg, H. Matsumoto, J.-L. Bougeret,
H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, J. A. Cumnock, A. I. Eriksson,
G. T. Marklund, J.-E. Wahlund, L. Bylander,
L. Åhlén, J. A. Holtet, K. Ishisaka,
E. Kallio, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, M. Moncuquet,
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Eriksson, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett and S. D. Bale.
Science opportunities with a double Langmuir probe and electric field
instrument for JIMO.
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D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, T. Averkamp, G. B.
Hospodarsky, A. M. Persoon, P. Canu, A. Pedersen,
M. D. Desch, A. I. Eriksson,
R. Gill, M. W.
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The inner magnetosphere of Saturn - Cassini RPWS cold plasma results
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P. Canu, F. M. Neubauer, M. K. Dougherty, A. I. Eriksson,
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Cassini measurements of cold plasma in the ionosphere of Titan.
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- J.-O. Hall, A. I.
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Excitation of localized rotating waves in plasma density cavities by
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- D. J. Knudsen, B. J. J. Bock, S. R.
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Lower-hybrid cavity density depletions as a result of transverse ion
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Localization of wave fields in lower hybrid cavities.
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Observations of lower hybrid cavities in the inner magnetosphere by the
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The Martian plasma environment: electric field and Langmuir probe
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What high altitude observations tell us about the auroral acceleration:
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N. Cornilleau, M. Dunlop, A.
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Observations of auroral broadband emissions by Cluster.
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A statistical study of ion energization at 1700 km in the auroral
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A statistical study of wave properties and electron density at
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Observations of the terrestrial bowshock in quasi-electrostatic
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Cluster peace observations of electrons of spacecraft origin.
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First results of electric field and density observations by Cluster EFW
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Multi-spacecraft observations of broadband waves near the lower hybrid
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Solitary waves in the Earth's upper ionosphere.
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Cavitation of lower hybrid waves in the Earth's ionosphere: a model
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Physical interpretation of the Padé approximation of the plasma
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The Rosetta Plasma Consortium: Technical realization and scientific
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Freja studies of the current-voltage relation in substorm-related
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Broadband elf plasma emission during auroral energization. 1. slow ion
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Wave measurements using electrostatic probes: accuracy evaluation by
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In J. Borovsky, R. Pfaff, and D. Young, editors, Measurement
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The effect of lower hybrid cavities on core plasma observed by Freja.
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- 22
- S. Kjus, L. Eliasson, H. L.
B. Lybekk, J. Holtet, P. Norqvist, J. Trulsen, and A. Eriksson.
Lower hybrid waves in the earth's upper ionosphere - wave cavitation
and ion heating.
Physics of Space Plasmas, 15, 209-214, 1998.
- 21
- S. Kjus, H. L. Pécseli, B. Lybekk,
J. Holtet, J. Trulsen, H. Lühr, and A. Eriksson.
Statistics of the lower hybrid wave cavities detected by the Freja
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 103, 26633-26647, 1998.
- 20
- P. O. Dovner, A. I.
R. Boström, B. Holback, J. Waldemark,
L. Eliasson, and M. Boehm.
The occurrence of lower hybrid cavities in the upper ionosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 24, 619-622, 1997.
- 19
- A. I. Eriksson, A. M. Mälkki,
P. O. Dovner, R. Boström, B. Holback, and
G. Holmgren.
A statistical study of auroral solitary waves and weak double layers.
2. Measurement accuracy and ambient plasma density.
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 102, 11385-11398, 1997.
- 18
- A. Olsson, A. I.
Eriksson, and
P. Janhunen.
On the current-voltage relationship in auroral breakups and
westwards-travelling surges.
Annales Geophysicae, 14, 1265-1273, 1996.
- 17
- H. Pécseli, B. Lybekk, J. Trulsen,
and A. I. Eriksson.
Lower-hybrid wave cavities detected by instrumented spacecrafts.
Plasma Physcs and Controlled Fusion, 39, A227-A236, 1997.
- 16
- H. L. Pécseli, K. Iranpour,
Ø. Holter, B. Lybekk, J. Holtet, J. Trulsen,
A. I. Eriksson, and
B. Holback.
Lower-hybrid cavities detected by the Freja satellite.
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 101, 5299-5316, 1996.
- 15
- P. Norqvist, M. André, L. Eliasson, A. I. Eriksson,
L. Blomberg, H. Lühr, and
J. H. Clemmons.
Ion cyclotron heating in the dayside magnetosphere.
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 101, 13179-13193, 1996.
- 14
- M H Boehm, J Clemmons, J.-E. Wahlund, A. Eriksson,
L. Eliasson, L. Blomberg, P. Kintner, and
H. Höfner.
Observations of an upward-directed electron beam with the perpendicular
temperature of the cold ionosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 22, 2103-2106, 1995.
- 13
- R. E. Erlandson, L. J. Zanetti,
M. H Acuña, A. I.
Eriksson, L. Eliasson,
M. H. Boehm, and L. Blomberg.
Freja observations of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (ELF) waves and
transverse oxygen acceleration on auroral field lines.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1855-1858, 1994.
- 12
- J.-E. Wahlund, P. Louarn, T. Chust,
H. de Feraudy, A. Roux, B. Holback, B. Cabrit,
A. I. Eriksson,
P. M. Kintner, M. Kelley,
J. Bonnell, and S. Chesney.
Observations of ion acoustic fluctuations in the auroral topside
ionosphere by the Freja S/C.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1835-1838, 1994.
- 11
- P. Louarn, J.-E. Wahlund, T. Chust,
H. de Feraudy, A. Roux, B. Holback, P. O.
Dovner, A. I. Eriksson, and
G. Holmgren.
Observation of kinetic Alfvén waves by the Freja spacecraft.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1847-1850, 1994.
- 10
- M. A. L. Persson, H. J. Opgenoorth,
T. I. Pulkkinen, A. I. Eriksson,
P. O. Dovner,
G. D. Reeves, R. D. Belian, M. André, L. G.
Blomberg, R. E. Erlandson, M. H. Boehm, A. Aikio, and
I. Häggström.
Near earth substorm onset: a coordinated study.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1875-1878, 1994.
- 9
- D. J. Knudsen, B. A. Whalen, A. W. Yau,
M. J. Greffen, A. I. Eriksson,
N. Lloyd,
M. Boehm, J. Clemmons, and L. G. Blomberg.
Sub-kilometer thermal plasma structure near 1750 km altitude in the
polar cusp/cleft.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1907-1910, 1994.
- 8
- L. Eliasson, M. André, A. I. Eriksson,
P. Norqvist, O. Norberg, R. Lundin, B. Holback,
H. Koskinen, H. Borg, and M. Boehm.
Freja observations of heating and precipitation of positive ions.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1911-1914, 1994.
- 7
- A. I. Eriksson, B. Holback, P. O.
Dovner, R. Boström, G. Holmgren, M. André,
L. Eliasson, and P. M. Kintner.
Freja observations of correlated small-scale density depletions and
enhanced lower hybrid waves.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1843-1846, 1994.
- 6
- P.-O. Dovner, A. I.
R. Boström, and B. Holback.
Freja multiprobe observations of electrostatic solitary structures.
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21:1827-1830, 1994.
- 5
- M. André, P. Norqvist, A. Vaivads,
L. Eliasson, O. Norberg, A. I.
Eriksson, and
B. Holback.
Transverse ion energization and wave emissions observed by the Freja
Geophysical Research Letters,, 21, 1915-1918, 1994.
- 4
- A. I. Eriksson and R. Boström.
Are weak double layers important for auroral particle acceleration?
In R. L. Lysak, editor, Auroral Plasma Dynamics (Geophysical
Monograph 80), pages 105-112. American Geophysical Union, 1993.
- 2
- A. Mälkki, A. I.
Eriksson, P.-O.
Dovner, R. Boström, B. Holback, G. Holmgren, and
H. E. J. Koskinen.
A statistical survey of auroral solitary waves and weak double layers:
1. Occurrence and net voltage.
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 98, 15521-15530, 1993. Correction in Journal of Geophysical Research, 99,, 11345, 1994.
- 1
- R. Lundin, G. Gustafsson, A. I.
and G. Marklund.
On the importance of high-altitude low-frequency electric fluctuations
for the escape of ionospheric ions.
Journal of Geophysical Research,, 95, 5905, 1990.
Other science
Papers in conference proceedings, books with no referee process,
scientific reports, etc.
- 34
- A. Eriksson, N. Edberg, I. Engelhardt, F. Johansson, E. Odelstad,
E. Vigren, P. Henri, J.-P. Lebreton, T. Broiles, K. Mandt, C. Carr.
The plasma environment of Rosetta at comet 67P.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference,
European Space Agency, 2016.
- 33
- F. L. Johansson, P. Henri, A. Eriksson, X. Vallieres,
J.-P. Lebreton, C. Beghin, G. Wattieaux, E. Odelstad.
Simulations of the Rosetta spacecraft interaction with comet plasma.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference,
European Space Agency, 2016.
- 32
- E. Odelstad, G. Stenberg-Wieser, M. Wieser, A. I. Eriksson,
H. Nilsson, F. L. Johansson.
Measurements of the electrostatic potential of Rosetta at comet 67P.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference,
European Space Agency, 2016.
- 31
- A. I. Eriksson, T. Nilsson, J.-E. Wahlund
Interpretation of Langmuir probe data obtained close to a spacecraft
In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physcis, European
Physical Society, 2012.
PDF online
- 30
- J.-C. Matéo-Vélez, P. Sarrailh, B. Thiébault, J. Forest, A. Hilgers, J.-F. Roussel, G. Dufour, B. Rivière, V. Génot, S. Guillemant, A. Eriksson, C. Cully
SPIS Science: modelling spacecraft cleanliness for low-energy plasma measurement
In Proceedings of the 12th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-12), JAXA, 2012.
- 31
- L. Eliasson and A. I.
Spacecraft Charging in the Auroral Oval.
In Spacecraft Charging (Shu Lai, ed.), p.125-142, American Institute of
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 2011.
ISBN 978-1-60086-836-8
- 30
- A. I.
Eriksson, C. Hånberg and A. Sjögren.
Modelling of spacecraft potential measurements on Rosetta.
In Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-11), NASA, 2010.
- 29
- A. Sjögren, A. I.
Eriksson and C. M. Cully.
Simulation of spacecraft sheath impact on Langmuir probe measurements.
In Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-11)
, NASA, 2010.
- 28
- A. I.
Eriksson, K. Gwosch, C. M. Cully and A. Sjögren.
Wake formation by ion scattering on a positively charged spacecraft.
In Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-11)
, NASA, 2010.
- 27
- A. I.
Eriksson, R. Gill, J.-E. Wahlund, M. André, A. Mälkki, B. Lybekk, A. Pedersen, J. A. Holtet, L. G. Blomberg and N. J. T. Edberg.
- RPC-LAP: The Langmuir probe instrument of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium.
In Rosetta: ESA's mission to the origin of the solar system, eds. R. Schulz, C. Alexander, H. Boehnhardt and K.-H. Glassmeier, pp. 435-447. Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-387-77517-3.
- 26
- C. Carr, E. Cupido, C. G. Y. Lee, A. Balogh, T. Beek, J. L. Burch, C. N. Dunford, A. I. Eriksson, R. Gill, K. H. Glassmeier, R. Goldstein, D. Lagoutte,
R. Lundin, K. Lundin, B. Lybekk, J. L. Michau, G. Musmann, H. Nilsson,
C. Pollock, I. Richter and J. G. Trotignon.
- RPC: The Rosetta Plasma Consortium.
In Rosetta: ESA's mission to the origin of the solar system, eds. R. Schulz, C. Alexander, H. Boehnhardt and K.-H. Glassmeier, pp. 383-398. Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-387-77517-3.
- 25
- J.G. Trotignon, D. Lagoutte, X. Vallières, J.P. Lebreton, A. Eriksson, H. Laakso and C. Mazelle.
- RPC-MIP: A mutual impedance probe for cometary wave and plasma investigations.
In Rosetta: ESA's mission to the origin of the solar system, eds. R. Schulz, C. Alexander, H. Boehnhardt and K.-H. Glassmeier, pp. 473-484. Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-387-77517-3.
- 24
- A. I. Eriksson and E. Winkler
- Photoemission current and solar EUV radiation: Cluster and TIMED observations
In Proceedings of the 10th Spacecraft Charging
Technology Conference (SCTC-10), 2007. PDF
- 23
- A. I.
Eriksson, Y. Khotyaintsev and P.-A. Lindqvist
Spacecraft wakes in the solar wind.
- In Proceedings of the 10th Spacecraft
Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-10), 2007. PDF
- 22
- A. I.
Eriksson, E. Engwall, R. Prakash, L. Daldorff, R. Torbert, I.
Dandouras and K. Torkar
- Making use of spacecraft-plasma interactions: determining
tenuous plasma winds from wake observations and numerical
- In Proceedings of the 10th Spacecraft
Charging Technology Conference (SCTC-10), 2007. PDF
- 21
- C. M. Cully, R. E. Ergun, E. Lucek, A. I.
Eriksson, D. N. Baker and C. Mouikis
Forced current sheets in a flapping magnetotail.
- In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
Substorms, edited by Syrjäsuo and Donovan, University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, pp. 43-48, 2007. Preprint
- 20
- P.-A. Lindqvist, Y. Khotyaintsev,
M. André, and A. I.
EFW data in the Cluster active archive.
- In Proceedings of the Cluster symposium,
in press, 2005. Preprint
- 19
- J.-E. Wahlund, L. G. Blomberg, M. Morooka,
M. André, and A. I.
Eriksson, J. A. Cumnock,
G. T. Marklund and P.-A. Lindqvist.
Cold plasma diagnostics in the Jovian system: brief scientific case
and instrumentation overview.
In Proc. 6th IAA Int. Conf. on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, Kyoto,
October 2005, 341-346. 2005. PDF
- 18
- L. G. Blomberg, J.-E. Wahlund, J. A. Cumnock,
G. T. Marklund, P.-A. Lindqvist, M. Morooka,
M. André, and A. I.
Electric field diagnostics in the Jovian system: brief scientific case
and instrumentation overview.
In Proc. 6th IAA Int. Conf. on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, Kyoto,
October 2005, 335-340. 2005. PDF
- 17
- E. Engwall and A. I.
Cold magnetospheric plasma flows and spacecraft wakes: PicUp3D
simulations and Cluster data.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Spacecraft Science
Technology Conference (SCTC-9), 2005. PDF
- 16
- A. I. Eriksson and J.-E. Wahlund.
Charging of a conductive spacecraft in the auroral zone.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Spacecraft Charging
Technology Conference (SCTC-9), 2005. PDF
- 15
- E. Engwall and A. I.
Cold magnetospheric plasma flows and spacecraft wakes: PicUp3D
simulations and Cluster data.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium for Space
Simulations (ISSS-7), 2005. PDF
- 14
- A. I. Eriksson.
The Langmuir probe instrument for Rosetta: A Nordic collaboration.
Nordic Space Activities, 4, 2004.
- 13
- E. Sasot Samplón, A. Hilgers,
B. Thiébault, V. Génot, and A. I. Eriksson.
Secondary electron emission causing potential barriers around
negatively charged spacecraft.
In Proceedings of the 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology
Conference, Huntsville, October 2003. NASA, 2004.
- 12
- E. Engwall, A. I.
A. Pedersen, J. Forest, G. Paschmann, J. Quinn,
R. Torbert, and K. Torkar.
Wake effects on positively charged spacecraft in flowing tenuous
plasmas: Cluster observations and modelling.
In Proceedings of the 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology
Conference, Huntsville, October 2003. NASA, 2004.
- 11
- H. Laakso, R. Grard, A. Masson,
O. Moullard, S. Bale, F. Mozer, A. Pedersen,
M. André, A. Eriksson,
G. Gustafsson, and
P.-A. Lindqvist.
Multi-point electric field observations in the high-latitude
In Proceedings of the Sheffield Space Physics Conference:
Multipoint Measurements Versus Theory. ESA-SP (in press), 2001.
- 10
- H. Rothkaehl, J.Blecki, K. Stasiewicz, and A. Eriksson.
HF-VLF plasma waves excitation during geomagnetic storm in the polar
cusp region.
ESA-SP, 449, 331, 2000.
- 9
- J.-E. Wahlund, L. J. Wedin, T. Carozzi, A. I. Eriksson,
B. Holback, L. Andersson, and
H. Laakso.
Analysis of Freja charging events: Statistical occurrence of charging
IRF Scientific Report 253, Swedish Institute of Space Physics,
Uppsala, February 1999. PDF
- 8
- J.-E. Wahlund, L. J. Wedin, A. I. Eriksson,
B. Holback, and L. Andersson.
Analysis of Freja charging events: Charging events identification and
case study.
IRF Scientific Report 251, Swedish Institute of Space
Uppsala, March 1999. PDF
- 7
- A. I. Eriksson, L. Wedin, J.-E. Wahlund,
and B. Holback.
Analysis of Freja charging events: Modelling of Freja observations by
spacecraft charging codes.
IRF Scientific Report 252, Swedish Institute of Space Physics,
Uppsala, January 1999. PDF
- 6
- A. I. Eriksson.
Spectral analysis.
Chapter 1 in G. Paschmann and P. W. Daly, editors, Analysis
for multi-spacecraft data (ISSI SR-001), pages 5-42. International
Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, 1998. PDF
- 5
- A. I. Eriksson.
Investigations of solitary wave phenomena in the
near-Earth space plasma using the Viking and Freja satellites.
PhD thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Space Physics, 1995.
- 4
- A. I. Eriksson and R. Boström.
Measurements of plasma density fluctuations and electric wave fields
using spherical electrostatic probes.
IRF Scientific Report 220,
Swedish Institute of
Space Physics, April 1995.
PDF (recreated 2025 from original LaTeX code, with figures scanned from 1995 printed version)
- 3
- H. L. Pécseli, K. Iranpour,
Ø. Holter, J. Trulsen, B. Lybekk, J. Holtet,
A. I. Eriksson, and
B. Holback.
Lower hybrid cavities detected by the Freja satellite.
Report UIO/PHYS/94-25, University of Oslo, 1994.
- 2
- R. Boström, P.-O. Dovner, A. I.
and G. Holmgren.
The occurence and role of auroral double layers.
In R. W. Schrittwieser, editor, Double layers and other
nonlinear potential structures in plasmas, pages 104-113. World
Scientific, Singapore, 1993.
- 1
- A. I. Eriksson and G. Gustafsson.
Observation of EHC waves and electric-field fluctuations near one Hz in
auroral acceleration regions.
In Proceedings of the 9th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and
Balloon Programmes and Related Research, pages 97-102. ESA SP-291,
European Space Agency, 1989.
Educational matter
- 1
- A. I. Eriksson.
Waves in Space Plasmas (compendium). Available