Rocket I

Page maintained by
Reine Gill

This is the README file for the 
ISDAT core/kernel version 2.6, released 
on May 23, 1999. This file contains:
  - installation notes,
  - release notes,
  - contact information,
to be found below. All ISDAT/WEC module specific 
information is contained in the README-WEC 
files. Information on different ISDAT issues
can be found in the "doc" directory in the ISDAT 
installation root. For more general information on 
the ISDAT system see "". 

Installation Notes for ISDAT v2.6

ISDAT v2.6 can be downloaded by ftp.
Its URL is
To build and install ISDAT please follow these steps:

1) Unzip and untar the "isdat_2.6.tar.gz" file in
   the directory you wish the ISDAT installation
   to reside.
2) cd into the isdat_2.6 directory.

3) Edit the script "setupMyIsdat" so that
   the environment variables it contains
   reflect the details of your ISDAT
4) Run/source the "setupMyIsdat" script by typing
   ". setupMyIsdat" in the posix/bourne shell. 
   This way the environment variables needed 
   by ISDAT will be set within your current 
   shell. Most important is that the "ISDAT_HOME"
   environment variable gets set to the location
   of your isdat installation.
5) cd to $ISDAT_HOME/config/cf and edit the
   "site.def" file to reflect the resources of
   the host the ISDAT installation will be
   build on. Look through the macro variables
   in this file and this only and change "NO" 
   to "YES" if you should have that particular 
   resource on your host. Typical things to 
   configure are if the host has cdf, matlab,
   gcc etc.
6) cd to $ISDAT_HOME

7) Type "make isdat" at the shell prompt.

Nominally, this is all that need to be done! All exectuables
are located in $ISDAT_HOME/bin. You may want to created links
to these binaries so that they become accessable on a system
wide basis. 

If your installation does not build please go back check 
that the ISDAT_HOME variable and the 
$ISDAT_HOME/config/cf/site.def file is set correctly.
copy $ISDAT_HOME/Makefile.ini to $ISDAT_HOME/Makefile
and repeat the installation procedure from step 6 above.

If all else fails or if something in the installation process
is unclear please contact by e-mail.

ISDAT v2.6 should build without major modifications on
all systems supported by itools v6.3. Empirically verified
builds on:

	- Sun sparc/i386 solaris v2.5-2.7 using gcc 
	  or SUNWspro cc,
	- HP-UX 10.20. (HP-UX 11.0 will work if one
	  sets IMAKECPP=/usr/ccs/lbin/cpp and 
	- Linux/redhat 5.2 with lesstif 0.88

Release notes for ISDAT v2.6

  The current release addresses the need to syncronize 
  the source code versions and modifications distributed
  throughout the WEC community after the long hibernation
  period since the Cluster I disaster. Therefore not
  much has been altered. However, since many WEC members
  have since the last ISDAT release matrually upgraded
  their OS, it is necessary to incorparate these changes.
  Futhermore, many bug reports have surfaced since the
  last v2.5 release.

  Changes since v2.5

  * The imake part of ISDAT has been replaced with the
    latest itools (which inlcudes the imake source code 
    and also the imake rules and template files) version, 
    namely 6.3. The original philosofy of the imake 
    configuration files is now enforced. In practice, this
    means that site specific resources specifications
    should be placed in the $ISDAT_HOME/config/cf/site.def
    and ONLY here. In previous ISDAT versions there existed
    files such as "", "", these are
    no longer used.
  * The environment variable "ISDAT" is no longer
    used in ISDAT code. For compatibility the variable
    "ISDAT" has been mapped to "ISDAT_HOME" which in
    future releases will the only variable to denote
    the location of the ISDAT installation. Previously,
    both ISDAT and ISDAT_HOME were used for this purpose
    which was confusing and unnecessary, besides that the
    variable name "ISDAT" was not particularly revealing.
  * The "init.ctm" file in the users home directory
    is no longer read by the time manager "ctm" by default 
    during startup. The forced default loading of "init.ctm"
    caused alot of troubles on many systems. Instead,
    the user may now optionally choose to open a previously
    saved *.ctm configuration file. The ctm still automatically
    saves its final state in the "init.ctm" file.
  * Imake rules for Xdesigner source code are installed only
    if one specifies that one has/wants Xdesigner.

  Bug fixes
  * Numerous matlab fixes. The ISDAT cmex files are still not
    compatible with Matlab version 5, but can still be compiled
    by cmex using version 4 compatibility mode.
  * The Sun "sunmath" library dependency has been worked around,
    since it is not anticipated all users will have this library.
  * In igr, a variable named "inline" was renamed "inLine", since
    the gcc used inline as a reserved word and got confused.
  * Conflicting declarations between ISDATs sys_errlist
    variable and the declaration in linux "stdio.h" header was
    resoleved with some preprocessor directives.
  * Numerous bug fixed which resulted from upgrading the
    ISDAT imake components. These are mainly to be found in the
    ISDAT specific project files: $ISDAT_HOME/config/cf/Isdat.*.
    Only minor changes were made to the files taken from the
    imake distribution, which is as it should be.
  * Myriads of small, for the most part, unnoticable bugs.
  Thanks to all ISDAT/WEC users who 
  helped with bug reports, source code 
  contributions, advice and suggestions.
  It is your contributions which to put
  back momentum to ISDAT/WEC developement
  which it so desperately needed after
  the Cluster I disaster.
  Contact Information

  Please send bug reports, successful build reports on
  systems not mentioned here or any inquires related to
  the ISDAT system to "". All feed-back is
  kindly appreciated, thank you :-)
Date:	990522
Author:	Tobia Carozzi,