Magnetic reconnection (graduate course)

The Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

Time: 2014, September 1 - October 31

Credit points: 8 ECTS

Prerequisites: basic course on plasma physics

Responsible department: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University

This course covers the theory of Magnetic Reconnection in plasma and it's applications. A particular focus is on the space observations and numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection. The course consists of two one week meetings, the first in Uppsala and the second in Leuven. In addition there are home exercises and the project work.

Literature: In addition to lecture notes the course will be based on the book:
Biskamp, Dieter 2000, Magnetic reconnection in plasmas, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000 xiv, 387 p. Cambridge monographs on plasma physics, vol. 3, ISBN 0521582881 Magnetic Reconnection in Plasmas.

Teachers: Andris Vaivads, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Stefano Markidis, Giovanni Lapenta, Alessandro RetinĂ².

Accomodation: Students should arrange themselves. Leuven


Uppsala, September 1-5

1. Current sheets, MHD discontinuities

2. Frozen in condition, topology, magnetic energy

3. 2D steady reconnection Sweet-Parker

4. 2D steady Petchek

5. Reconnection applications: space,lab,astro

Leuven, September 29 - October 3

6. 2D 2-fluid, numerical simulations

7. Multiple X-lines

8. Particle acceleration

9. Unsteady reconnection

10. TBD

Earlier courses

The course has been given earlier 2012, 2008, 2003.

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